Arthritis Pain Relief Tips for Winter Weather
Winter weather is grueling enough from the snow, ice, and freezing cold weather. It is even worse for those with arthritis. As the weather gets colder this can cause arthritis to flare up and make you even more uncomfortable than you already were.
Arthritis can cause your white blood cells to be inflamed near your joints. There are different forms of arthritis such as rheumatoid, lupus, and gout. Studies have shown that cold weather can affect arthritis and make it more inflamed.
At 24/7 Home Health Care, we care about you and all of your joints! If you are looking for physical therapy in Miami for treatment for your arthritis pain you have come to the right place.
If you have arthritis and are looking for pain relief during these winter months continue reading to learn more about different therapies for arthritis as well as physical therapies in Miami for arthritis pain relief.
Stay Warm & Use Lots of Layers!
One of the best therapy for arthritis and comforting those inflamed joints is bundling up on those layers to reduce information! It is important to protect your hands, knees, and elbows with extra layers of protection. This could be a nice pair of gloves and a warm insulated jacket to further keep your body warm this winter.
If you have access to a heated pool or a warm bath soaking in the tub is a great way to treat arthritis pain. Try adding some natural Epsom salt to your next bath as well to reduce the discomfort you are facing.
Consider Compression Gloves
Compression gloves can be one of the greatest pain reliefs for arthritis. Compression gloves are known to heat and increase circulation to ease pain and reduce inflammation. Instead of a regular pair of gloves, this winter try switching to compression gloves. You will notice that they are as well a lot warmer and you can even layer up on these gloves!
Stay Extra Hydrated
Staying away from sugary drinks such as soda and switching to water is key to treating your arthritis pain this winter. Studies have shown that sugar can cause your joints to become inflamed. If you are looking for a low sugar alternative try lemon water or some hot tea. This will also help keep your body warm and hydrated!
Stay Active and Exercise
Physical therapy for arthritis is not something to be ashamed of. Exercise can be one of the most helpful therapies for arthritis. Physical activity does not mean that you have to wake up and run a mile each morning, but moving your body and joints throughout the day can reduce pain and increase strength and flexibility.

Here are some of the best exercises for arthritis pain from our physical therapy experts in Miami at 24/7 Home Health Care.
Even though the sun may not be out it is still important to get your vitamin-D through supplements. A low vitamin-D level in your body can cause more severe pain or sensitivity if you suffer from arthritis. It is recommended to get about 600 international units of vitamin-D daily to help decrease pain and lower sensitivity.
Get a Massage
Massages are great for reducing pain and working those inflamed joints. Ask your massage therapist to incorporate warm towels or essential oils for added benefits as well. Massages can be done year-round for those with arthritis pain, but are especially nice in the winter.
Avoid Weight Gain
Over the holiday’s many people tend to gain weight, and this is not a bad thing at all. However, gaining weight, even only a few pounds adds extra stress to your knees and other joints in your body.
Eat a Healthy Meal
Eating healthy is essential year-round. During the winter months, it’s important to eat a large variety of fruits, vegetables, meats, and whole grains. Avoid foods that are high in sugar as well. The importance of a healthy well-balanced meal will improve your health and pain!
Stretching is a great way to improve flexibility and reduce stiffness in your joints. Stretchy daily, especially in the morning is a great physical therapy for arthritis. When warming up to stretch walk around a little before while moving your arms around for a few minutes. You should be holding each stretch for about 10-20 seconds before releasing it and repeat this process 2-3 times.
Water exercises
You may notice when we are in the water we feel a lot lighter. This is because water helps support your body weight. This is a great physical therapy for arthritis pain because water exercises do not put as much pressure on your joints causing inflammation.
Hand exercises
If you have arthritis you may have limited use of your hands, or it can be very painful to use your hands. Taking your wrists and bending them up and down while curling your fingers can do wonders for increasing the strength and flexibility in your hands.
Walk around an indoor mall
With it being winter you may not want to go on walks outside as often because of the cold weather, and walking around circles in your house can be boring. Try going to an indoor mall, or another indoor space to get a change of scenery and exercise those joints during these cold months!
Do not let the cold weather keep you from moving those joints around and stretching them. It is so important to keep up with your exercise and health. If you are looking for more guided assistance to manage your arthritis pain contact us at 24/7 Home Health Care in Miami today to receive consulting.
Remember you are not alone. Nearly 50 million Americans suffer from arthritis pain. Do not let your arthritis control your life anymore. Seek help today. It can be hard to feel motivated to get moving during these winter months, but it is important to stay hydrated, bundle up, and increase your movement!